August 30, 2014

PHYS 459 - Senior Honours Research Thesis

Welcome to PHYS 459! Here are links to course-related materials:

Course-Related Materials
  1. Syllabus.pdf
  2. Advertised Projects (or you can ask anyone in the department)

  1. Python Tutorial for Scientists
  2. Inkscape for making figures
  3. TeXStudio for writing reports

Meeting: Sept 16th, 5:30pm, Board Room
  1. Reminder: get a project, work in pairs!
  2. Proposal
    • Due date: September 26th @ midnight (by email)
    • Format
      • 2 (thesis style) pages including
        • title, authors, professor
        • brief abstract
        • introduction / motivation (including preliminary result if available) 
        • proposed methods 
        • summary / discussion
      • 1 figure showing the relevant physics, basic setup, and goal
  3. Writing Guidelines & Tips

    Meeting: Sept 3rd, 3pm, Board Room (1st floor by lounge)
    1. Syllabus
    2. Tutorials (?)
      • Scientific writing  (before Sept 26!)
      • Data plotting & analysis in python 40%
      • GUI's and data acquisition in python 80%
      • From python plots to publication-quality figures
    3. Optimal meeting times and next meeting (email)